Saturday, November 28, 2020

TNSET 2021: Application Form Notification

TNSET 2021: Application Form  Notification

TNSET 2020 – Tamilnadu SET Notification, Details, Eligibility Criteria,  Dates

TNSET 2021 examination will be organized by Annamalai University. Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test (TNSET) is a state level entrance test which will be conducted for 26 subjects. Candidates who will qualify the examination will be governed by the eligibility criteria stipulated for Assistant Professors of concerned Universities/ Colleges/ Institutions (Private/ Government/ Aided) of Tamil Nadu state. Candidates must go through following article for details regarding application form, eligibility criteria, admit card & much more for TNSET 2021 exam.

TNSET 2021 Exam Dates

Here we are providing table regarding tentative schedule for TNSET 2021 Exam Dates:

EventsDates (Tentative)
Notification for TNSET2nd week of December 2020
Registration commences3rd week of December 2020
Last date to register2nd week of February 2021
Availability of admit card4th week of February 2021
TNSET 2021 exam date1st week of March 2021
Release of answer key3rd week of March 2021
Result declaration1st week of April 2021
Counselling2nd week of April 2021

TNSET 2021 Application Form

Candidates must go through following details regarding TNSET 2021 Application Form:

  • TNSET 2021 Application Form will be made available via online mode.
  • Candidates will be able to fill the application form from 3rdweek of December 2020.
  • The last date to submit the application form will be till 2ndweek of February 2021.
  • Candidates are advised to fill the form carefully & completely as incomplete form will lead to rejection.
  • There will be no need to send any kind of hard copy of application form to exam conducting authority.
  • Before submission of form, candidates must upload scanned image of passport size photograph & signature in the prescribed format.
  • During registration also provide valid/ working mail ID & phone number in the application form.
  • At last, do not forget to take printouts of filled in application form for further use.

Application Fee:

  • TNSET 2021 application fee will be paid through online mode.
  • The mode of payment includes credit card, debit card or net banking.
  • Candidates are advised not to submit the fee in any other modes like Money Order, IPO, Demand Draft, etc.
  • The application fee as per category will be as:
CategoryGeneral/ OBC Creamy LayerOBC (Non Creamy layer)SC/ ST/ PwD- VI, HI, PH
FeeRs. 1500/-Rs. 1250/-Rs. 500/-

TNSET Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must go through following details regarding TNSET 2021 Eligibility Criteria:

  • Qualification: Candidates must qualify master or equivalent degree from recognized board or university.
  • Mandatory Subject: Candidates must have qualified the qualifying examination with subjects like Science, Social Science, Humanities, Electronic Science & Library, Computer Science & Application, & Information Science.
  • Percentage: He/ She must score minimum 55% marks for General/ OBC category candidates and 50% marks for OBC (belonging to Non-Creamy Layer)/ SC/ ST/ PwD.
  • Appearing: Candidates appearing in the qualifying examination will be also eligible for TNSET.

TNSET 2021 Exam Pattern

Candidates must go through following details regarding TNSET 2021 Exam Pattern:

  • Exam Mode: TNSET 2021 examination will be organized via offline mode.
  • Type of Questions: Question paper will consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
  • Marking Scheme: Each correct answer will consist of 2 marks.
  • Negative Marking: There will no negative marking in the examination.
  • Exam Medium: The paper will be published in English & Tamil languages.

Candidates must check following table regarding exam pattern:

SessionPaperMarksNo. of QuestionsDuration
FirstI100501 Hour 15 minutes
SecondII100501 Hour 15 minutes
ThirdIII150752 Hours

TNSET Syllabus

TNSET 2021 Syllabus will be same as in UGC/ CSIR-NET. Syllabus will be different for both papers. Paper 1 will be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/ research aptitude of candidate. It will primary be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking & general awareness of candidate. Paper II & III will be based on the subject selected by the candidate.

TNET 2021 Exam Centers

The TNSET 2021 Examination will be organized in Chennai, Coimbatore, Salem, Madurai, Tiruchillapalli, Tirunelveli, Karaikudi, Villupuram, Vellore, Erode, and Thanjavur. Exam centers once allotted will not be changed and will be final under any circumstances.

TNSET Cut-Off 2021

Get here the details of the TNSET Cut-off 2021. The TNSET Cut-off 2021 is the minimum marks that must be secured by the candidates to be qualified for the TNSET. The TNSET Cut-off 2021 is dependent on the various factors such as the difficulty level of the examination, a number of candidates participated in the entrance test, availability of the seats, previous year cut off.

Here in the table below, we are mentioning the cut off of the TNSET.

CategoryCut off Marks
General/ OBC (Creamy layer)40%
OBC (NCL)/ SC/ ST/ PwD35%


  1. I m chemistry b.ed maths
    May I eligible for this exam
    I am 36.

  2. I am completed chemistry and now i'm in first year P.G...may i eligible for this exam? Sir.

  3. I am completed M. A english and
    B. Ed. May I eligible for this exam?

  4. Sir i have completed i eligible sir?

  5. I have completed M.A (history)M.phil history MEd but my age is 47
    Can I write the test

  6. Sir, I have completed MSC Materials science and I am now 45 years old, am I eligible to write this exam?

    1. I too completed materials science ug physics whether im eligible

  7. Hi sir am completed BSc microbiology msc microbiology by distance education am eligible sir

  8. What type of question will ask in Paper 3 is it written exam or objective type questions

  9. Sir, I completed M.Sc. in Madras University, am I eligible to apply,Sir.

  10. Sir, I am Studying 2'nd M.A Economics In Madras University.Can I Eligible To Write The Set Examination Sir

  11. I completed Msc in geology. I am eligible or not?

  12. Is M.E. computer science eligible for this exam?

  13. Sir, I have completed MSC Materials science and I am now 45 years old, am I eligible to write this exam? please reply

  14. Sir, is this true news.....because there are no any official announcements in annamalai university website...then how sir?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. I finished M.A in corres sir, i will eligible or not for this exam sir

  17. Sir I am doing my final year M.A English sem..Am I eligible to take up the test?

  18. are Keralites eligible to writ exam?

  19. Sir Commerce set now or science stream only...

  20. NET Commerce only Half day two papers only but SET 6 hrs 3 any change

  21. Sir when will be the registration for SET commence?
    It was mentioned like third week of December..!
    But still its not released!

  22. Sir when will be the notification issued for TNSET 2021

  23. Sir I'm doing my pg 2 year microbiology am I eligible sir


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வானில் அற்புதம்: ஒரே இரவில் அணிவகுப்பு வகுக்கும்7 கோள்கள் - எப்போது, எப்படி பார்ப்பது? ஒரே நாளில் 7 கோள்களும் காட்சி தரும் அதிசய நிகழ்வு அ...