Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Notification for Student’s Registrations in ISRO START Programme

Notification for Student’s Registrations in ISRO START Programme.

இஸ்ரோ ஆன்லைன் படிப்பு பதிவு பதிவுகளுக்கான அறிவிப்பு.

ISRO has an active space science programme that covers various domains of space science research including Planetary science and exploration, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Heliophysics / Sun-Earth interaction, Atmospheric science, and also research driven by Microgravity platforms arising as part of the new human space programme. Under the expanding programs in space sciences, ISRO encourages greater participation from academia, for generating human resources in space science and technology, expanding the user base of the space exploration mission data, and fostering an ecosystem to facilitate active participation of the students in space science and technology research. In view of this, the Science Programme Office, ISRO HQ in association with Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, Dehradun initiated the online training programme “Space science and Technology Awareness Training (START) “in 2023. START is an introductory level online training in space science and technology for the under-graduate and post-graduate students of science and technology. The third edition of Space science and Technology Awareness Training (START) 2025 programme will be conducted during January - February 2025. In this connection, ISRO solicits Expression of Interest to host START -2025 in educational institutes/Universities/Colleges within India who are offering UG /PG courses in physical sciences and technology.


The main objective of the training programme is to attract the youngsters to the fields of space science and technology. The training modules will comprise introductory level topics on various verticals of space science and technology. In addition to these, there will be sessions on Indian space exploration programme and research opportunities.

Date and Duration of online training

Online training is tentatively scheduled to be conducted during 9th Jan – 31st January 2025 followed by online test. The training programme is about 2 hrs/day. The successful candidates of the online test, which would be conducted at the end of the training, would be provided merit certificate / participation certificate. Those who would score high grade in the introductory level training, would be considered for the next level of advanced training.

Eligibility of Candidates

Post-graduate students and preferably the final year under graduate students of physical sciences (Physics and Chemistry) and technology (e.g. Electronics, Computer Science, Mechanical, Applied Physics, Radiophysics, Optics & Opto-electronics, Instrumentation and other associated subjects) studying in educational institutes/Universities/Colleges within India are eligible to be considered for the training.

Certificate to Participants: Important criteria
  1. Minimum 70% of attendance in the live online session is needed to appear in the online examination. They are eligible for participation certificate.
  2. Success criteria for the examination is 50% marks or above. Successful candidates will be provided merit certificate.
Requirements from the Host Institute
  1. Lecture hall / auditorium facility: The host institute needs to be equipped with a lecture hall / auditorium, with internet connectivity and projection facility. The lectures will be streamed through internet in a suitable videoconferencing platform. ISRO/DoS will share the link of the online training programme with the institutes.
  2. Selection of the candidates: The host institutes through the co-ordinator need to select eligible candidates, who are studying in the institutes depending on their aptitude, merit/academic performance and the seating capacity of the venue where the live session would be conducted.
How to apply

The START programme will be conducted through ISRO E-CLASS platform The educational Institutions / universities / colleges in India need to register their Institute in the website with an attachment of relevant nomination letter in the prescribed format (Annexure-1) from Head of the Institute to identify a faculty as a coordinator of ISRO START programme. The coordinator has to conduct the programme at the institute (including selection of eligible participants, monitoring the live sessions and online test, submitting attendance, and distributing merit certificates).

Notification for Student’s Registrations in ISRO START Programme Participant’s registration for ISRO - Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme ISRO encourages greater participation from academia, for generating human resources in space science and technology, expanding the user base of the space exploration mission data, and fostering an ecosystem to facilitate active participation of the students in space science and technology research. 

In view of this, ISRO has envisaged the Space science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme. START is an introductory level awareness programme in space science and technology. The programme is envisaged to be organised in online mode in order to reach out to as many of the space enthusiasts as possible. Although primarily aimed at the under-graduate and post-graduate students of science and technology, the programme is designed to be suitable for any individual with a basic, systematic training in science, at least up to the high school level. 

Date and Duration of online training Online training is tentatively scheduled to be conducted during January 2025. The training programme is about 2-3 hrs / day for a duration of 2 – 3 weeks. The START programme will be conducted through ISRO E-CLASS platform ( 

Scope The lecture modules are thematically arranged to address different facets of space science and technology like Earth and Near-Earth Space, Solar System Exploration, Space Mission Design and Observations, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, as well as technological aspects like accessing the space, space instrumentation, etc. In addition to these, there will be lectures on Indian space exploration programme and research opportunities in the fields of space science and technology. 

Eligibility START is aimed to reach out to the maximum beneficiaries not only to students belonging to Indian Institutions but also to any interested individuals. The students of approved nodal centres as well as individuals can register and join the online training programme by choosing the appropriate category for registration as detailed below. Category-1: Students from approved START host institutes/nodal centres Post-graduate students and final year under graduate students of physical sciences (Physics and Chemistry) and technology (e.g. Electronics, Computer Science, Mechanical, Applied Physics, Radiophysics, Optics & Opto-electronics, Instrumentation and other associated subjects) studying in START host institutes / nodal centres, are eligible to be considered for the training under this category. 

Participation certificate / merit certificate will be provided to the eligible students. Link for registering student participants of approved nodal center: 

Category-2: Individuals of any background Interested individual participants (including students who are not eligible / could not join through the category-1) of any background can directly register and attend the live sessions through Youtube Channel of IIRS- Participation certificate will be provided to the eligible participants. 

Link for registering individual participant: Individuals while registering directly in ISRO website will automatically get the login credentials. 

Category-3: Public for knowledge gain Public can watch the live sessions of START for knowledge gain without registering in the website. The link for watching START is - 

Course Fee: START programme is offered by ISRO free of cost. There is no registration fee / admission fee. Timeline for Participant Registration Commencement of registration: 20th June 2023 Last date for registration: 15th July 2023 Contact-

Link :

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 இது போன்ற தகவல் பெற


இரமேஷ்இயற்பியல் உதவி பேராசிரியர்நேரு நினைவு கல்லூரிபுத்தனாம்பட்டிதிருச்சி.

இப்பதிவு குறித்த தங்கள் கருத்துக்களை அவசியம் கீழே உள்ள Comment Boxல் பதிவிட வேண்டுகிறோம்.

மாணவர்கள் கல்விக் களஞ்சியம் இணையதளத்திற்கு தங்களது கட்டுரைகள் (அறிவியல், பொருளாதாரம், இலக்கியம்), கவிதைகள், சிறுகதை என அனைத்து  படைப்புகளையும்,  மெயில், அல்லது 9489666102 வாட்ஸாப்ப்  அனுப்பிட வேண்டுகிறோம். 

                                                       மேலும் படிக்க 

🛑🤔 இந்தியாவில் அதிக சம்பளம் பெறும் அரசு வேலை எது?

மிகவும் பயனுள்ள வீடியோ அனைவருக்கும் பகிர்க.

🛑🤔 📚 +2 க்கு பிறகு என்ன படிப்பு படிக்கலாம்.

நீங்கள் நினைத்தவை எல்லாம் நடக்கிற வாழ்க்கை ரகசியம்- காணொளி.

மிகவும் பயனுள்ள வீடியோ அனைவருக்கும் பகிர்க

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