Sunday, August 8, 2021

Today (August 8, 1901) is the birthday of Nobel laureate Ernest Orlando Lawrence, who discovered the uranium isotope extraction method and cyclotons.

Today (August 8, 1901) is the birthday of Nobel laureate Ernest Orlando Lawrence, who discovered the uranium isotope extraction method and cyclotrons


Ernest Orlando Lawrence was born on August 8, 1901, in Canton, South Dakota. His parents were Carl Gustavus and Kunda (you Jacobson) Lawrence. Both are descendants of Norwegian immigrants. They met while teaching at a high school in Canton. The father was also a supervisor of schools. He had a brother, John H. Lawrence. He is a doctor. And as a pioneer in the field of nuclear medicine. Lawrence Canton and Pierre attended public schools. He then participated St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. But a year later he was transferred to the University of South Dakota in Vermilion. He completed his bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1922 and his master's degree in physics in 1923 at the University of Minnesota under the supervision of William Francis Gray Swann. In his dissertation, Lawrence developed a test instrument. It rotated an ellipse through a magnetic field.


Lawrence graduated from the University of South Dakota and the University of Minnesota in 1925 with a doctorate in physics from Yale. In 1928 he became a professor of physics at the University of California. One evening Lawrence found in the library a map of an accelerator producing high-speed particles. Fascinated by that map and came up with the idea of ​​a vessel accelerating in orbit between two electromagnetic fields. The expression of this idea was the cyclotron. Lawrence developed a series of more extensive and more expensive cyclotrons. In 1936 his radiation laboratory became the official department of the University of California. Lawrence was its director.


In addition to using cyclotrons for physics, Lawrence was interested in studying the clinical benefits of radioisotopes. During World War II, Lawrence developed a method of extracting isotopes using an electromagnet in his radiation laboratory. He used a machine called Calutron for this. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, developed an isotope extraction plant using a very large magnet. It was called the Y-12. Ineffective it worked though. After the war, Lawrence began to implement large-scale scientific projects with government support. He started and campaigned for a "big science" project to build larger machines at a higher cost. Edward Teller strongly supported the campaign for a second nuclear weapons laboratory in Livermore, California. After his death, the rulers of the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory honored him with his name.

 Nobel Prize

Recipient of the 1939 Nobel Prize for his discovery of the spinner. He is also known for his discovery of the uranium isotope extraction method. In addition to the Nobel Prize, Lawrence won the Elliott Cresson Medal in 1937, the Hughes Medal in 1938, the Comstock Prize in Physics in 1940, the Tudley Medal in 1940, the Holly Medal in 1942, the William Proctor Prize in 1951, and the Order of Merit in 1952. In 1948 he was appointed officer of the Legion de Honor. He was the recipient of the Sylvanus Tire Award in 1958 from the U.S. Military Academy. Nobel laureate Ernest Orlando Lawrence passed away on August 27, 1958, at the age of 57 in Palo Alto, California. Named the Lenturium for the 103rd element discovered in Berkeley in 1961, it was a great honor for him.

Source By: Wikipedia

Information: Ramesh, Assistant Professor of Physics, Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti, Trichy.

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