Tuesday, July 26, 2022

ISRO JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (JRF) Recruitment 2022-Apply Online.

 ISRO JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (JRF) Recruitment 2022-Apply Online.

ADVERTISEMENT NO. VSSC 320 - Dated 25.07.2022

Applications are invited for the position of JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (JRF) tenable at one of the premier research institutions in India, the Space Physics Laboratory (SPL) of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram. VSSC is one of the lead centres of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

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Space Physics Laboratory conducts front-ranking research in Atmospheric, Space, and Planetary Sciences disciplines. SPL is also involved in major space and atmospheric science programs of the country, such as Chandrayaan, Mars Mission, ISRO-Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, etc. SPL has a very vibrant research fellowship program, with the strength of about 20 to 25 students at any time of the year. Well-equipped laboratories and major experimental facilities are available exclusively for these studies, besides access to the scientific data from ISROs and other satellites. SPL also coordinates major experimental campaigns, at national and international level, using balloons, aircraft, rockets, and research ship cruises, and is a leading contributor to India’s polar research programme. SPL offers excellent and challenging research opportunities in various areas like Boundary Layer Physics, Physics/Chemistry/Dynamics of Lower, Middle, & Upper atmosphere, the coupling processes, Ionospheric Physics, Land-Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions, Atmospheric Aerosols, Trace Gases, Clouds, Meteorology, Space Weather phenomena and Lunar & Planetary Explorations and Modelling.



Eligibility :

  1. MSc. Degree in Physics / Applied Physics / Engineering Physics / Space Physics / Atmospheric Science / Meteorology / Planetary Sciences with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks (average of all semesters) or CGPA/CPI grading of 6.84 on a 10-point scale or equivalent


    M.Tech in Atmospheric Science / Space Science / Planetary Science / Applied Physics / Engineering Physics with minimum 60% marks as average of all semesters in aggregate or CGPA/CPI grading of 6.5 on a 10 point scale or equivalent
  2. Applicants should also have qualified one of the following:
    1. CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test, including NET-Lectureship.
    2. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted by MHRD.
    3. Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST)

Age Limit :28 years as on 08.08.2022 (31 years for OBC candidates and 33 years in case of SC/ST candidates. Persons with Disability are eligible for age relaxation as per rules).

Selection Process :

The selection of JRF will be based on the performance at the interview. Initial screening of applications will be conducted to short-list meritorious candidates for interview. The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for interview. The interview will be scheduled at VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram. The call letter for interview will be sent to the short-listed candidates by e-mail. The result of the interview will be announced at the VSSC website subsequently.

At the time of interview the candidates are required to produce original documents of the following:

  1. Originals of all certificates, mark sheets, Ph.D. degree in proof of educational qualification, [Equivalency Certificate in case of foreign Degree] Proof of work experience, age etc.
  2. No Objection Certificate, from the employer concerned in respect of those applicants who are employed under Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies.

The selected JRFs will work on specific research themes and can register for Ph.D degree. Selected candidates should be willing to work anywhere in India (including remote places) and partake in field experiments including aircrafts and ship cruises, as per the requirements.

  Applications will be received on-line only. The application format for on-line registration is available in the website http://www.vssc.gov.in from ­­­­­­­­­­­1000 hours on 25.07.2022 to 1700 hours on 08.08.2022.

Emoluments :

The Fellowship is initially for a period of ONE YEAR and is renewable annually for a total period of FIVE years. There will be a review of the activity every year for the renewal of the fellowship.

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) carries an amount of Rs.31,000 per month, with a possibility   to be increased to Rs.35,000/- as Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), after two years, on successful completion and review of research work of the previous two years by a review committee.

Candidates are eligible for HRA as per rules of VSSC. The research fellows will not be entitled to Dearness Allowance (DA).

Service conditions :

Selected students will first undergo course work, and subsequently work under the supervision of a senior faculty of SPL for Ph.D.

They will be allowed medical benefits, as per the rules of VSSC.

Research Fellows are eligible for leave as per DOS norms.

Participation of JRF/SRF in any scientific event in India or abroad will be treated as “on duty” and they will be eligible for travelling allowance as per rules.


Upon on-line registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference. The candidates are also advised to take a print out of the online application for future reference.

Scanned copy of the following documents (as a single pdf document) should also be uploaded by the candidate while applying online;

  1. M.Sc. / M.Tech. Degree certificate and consolidated mark sheet.
  2. GATE / NET / JEST score sheet / award letter.
  3. Proof of age.
  4. Proof for SC/ST/OBC (if applicable).

The applicant need not send any documents such as print out of online application, copies of certificates/mark lists in proof of educational qualification, work experience, age etc.          

Note : In case of submission of duplicate/multiple applications by candidates, the last application submitted before the last date of submission of application shall be considered for further processing.

General Conditions :

01.     The number of positions indicated above is provisional.

02.     Candidates will have to produce proof of the details furnished in their applications submitted at the time of interview.

03.     Only short listed candidates will be called for Interview.

04.     Outstation candidates called for Interview will be paid to and fro Second Class Railway Fare by the shortest route including reservation/sleeper charges on production of proof of journey such as Railway Tickets/Ticket Number or Bus tickets, etc. If the candidates travel in a higher class of accommodation than the one prescribed, only Second Class rail fare excluding the reservation charges/sleeper charges will be paid.

05.     If any information furnished in the application is found to be incorrect or false on verification, the candidate will not be permitted to attend for interview and Travelling Allowance will not be paid.

06.     The Centre reserves the right not to fill up the position, if it so decides.

07.     Only Indian Nationals need apply.

08.     No interim correspondence will be entertained.

09.     Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

“Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.”

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