Friday, April 30, 2021

Today (April 30, 1777) is the Birthday of the birth of Carl Friedrich Gauss, the greatest mathematician of all time in the world of mathematics.

Today (April 30, 1777) is the Birthday of the birth of Carl Friedrich Gauss, the greatest mathematician of all time in the world of mathematics.


Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss was born on April 30, 1777, to poor, working-class parents in Brunswick, Duchy of Brunswick-Wolfenbettel. His mother was illiterate. He never recorded his date of birth. He only remembered that he was born on a Wednesday. Eight days before the Ascension Feast (which is 39 days after Easter), Gauss later solved this riddle about his date of birth in the context of finding the date of Easter. Obtained instructions for calculating the date in past and future years. Father Keppard was an ordinary poor worker. Before becoming a second wife to his mother Dorothy Keppard, she worked as a housekeeper. At the age of three, Cass discovered something wrong with his father's payroll.


As soon as he entered the classroom one day at the age of seven, the boy Gauss finished an account given to him by the teacher to keep all the students from speaking. It is a calculation of the sum of integers from 1 to 100. It immediately appeared to Gauss that there were 50 pairs of numbers from 1 to 100. I.e., (1, 100), (2, 99), (3, 98), etc. The sum of each is 101, so the sum of 50 pairs is 5050. The teacher is overwhelmed by the student. He approached his parents asking for permission to teach the boy all the intricacies of mathematics beyond school hours. They were illiterate at the birth of the mathematical world. Otherwise, they would have done the same thing that the musician Wolfgang Mozart's father had done to bring him to town, thinking of making his son's predictable talent a visual object.

 Carl Friedrich Gauss' 241st Birthday. A German mathematician, physicist and  astronomer, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss rose fro… | Google doodles,  Doodles, Google logo

From the age of eleven to four years, Gauss received a good education in archaeology. But more important than that was the education he received in mathematics, which he read directly and spontaneously. I had the opportunity to learn the whole of Newton's Principia 'and Bernoulli's' excellent texts such as' Ars Conjugandi'. By the age of 15, the late Lord Ferdinand of Brunswick, who had seen the high standard of his education, had helped him by giving him an incentive to study in college. Within three years of studying in college, he had given two guesses for the number pi (n). The student, who plays with prediction problems daily, has calculated the values ​​of pi (n) to be n = 3,000,000 to test his own formulas.


Gauss studied for three years at the University of Gottingen. But from his reference books, published many years after his time, it seems that he was more attracted to archaeology teachers than to mathematics teachers in Gottingen. However, after learning about the Ferma particles and the solution given by Euler that the sixth Ferma number F5 is not a prime number, he came to the conclusion that other Ferma numbers could not be participles. After this, he decided that his future was in mathematics and not archaeology. Determined that he had no teachers to guide him in Gottingen, he returned to his hometown of Brunswick and began writing dissertations for his doctorate. The object he took for it was the basic theorem of algebra. That is, the theorem that there will be n solutions at the complex site for each in-sequence polynomial equation with complex complexes.


In 1799 he was awarded a doctorate by the University of Hemstead for this study. That theory still bears his name today. What is even more remarkable is that he gave three more installations in his lifetime for this experiment. The last installation gave in his 70s. Gauss was one of the first mathematicians to equate complex points to the points of a site and to free the notion of 'problem', which is now unnecessarily fabricated in the name of complex numbers, with each point (a, b) representing a complex number (a + ib). The desire to filter out what came to his mind from the age of 17 into a book became Disquisitiones arithmeticae in 1798, and in 1801 at the age of 24, he became a great treasure in the world of mathematics and arithmetic. In fact, it cannot be said that there was a theory of numbers before that. Because all that is known about numbers from Greek times to the present day are many separate theorems. No one found Fermat, Euler, Lagrange, and Legendre in a position to combine them into one theory.


Gaussin's equivalent, modulo n's concept helped to combine many of their ideas. In the fourth chapter of Gazin's book, Quadratic Residues are taken. Legend had already discovered a delicious rule of thumb. It is a matter of matching two components, (p, q), that is, two theories as to whether they are duplicates or non-duplicates. Studies have shown that since the time of the Greeks, the only way to draw a polygon is to use a baton and an axe. They knew the outline of the order polygon on pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15. But many have failed to find the definition of the order polygon on pages 7, 9, 11, 13…, etc. Gauss just found that an order polygon with pages of odd numbers n must have a numerator or a multiple of n if they are to be drawn with two integers.


It was not until he discovered this at the age of 18 that he began writing a diary of his mathematical discoveries. His diary was placed before the world 43 years after his death. According to Gauss' discovery, the Gregor could only draw pages 3, 5, 15, 17, 257, 65537, or pages with a multiplication of them, with the order polygonal curvature. Co-augmentation has been a major headache for the mathematical world since Euclid's time. Over the centuries many have tried to dismantle the need to keep it as a premise without getting any installation for it. Finally, in the 19th century, Lobachevsky and Boley separately found a solution to this problem in a way that would bring about a fundamental change in mathematics. But Gauss had gone the same way before them and had written in his diaries with the consent of his mind to the same changes. Thus all three are still said to be the fathers of Euclidean geometry.

 The Story of Gauss - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The Gaussians did not regard him only as a mathematician. This is because his gravitational pull has long been in the geographical dimensions of pioneering mathematics. Who was involved in them at a young age? Fifteen years after being fascinated by the theory of autonomic arithmetic, he devoted himself to the disciplines of autonomous mathematics, such as geography. In 1817 he was given the responsibility of surveying the area of ​​Hanover. Considering the uselessness of the gauges of the time, he invented a new device called the heliotrope. In addition, driven by his predictability, he made several subtle changes in the measurements made with these quantities and improved their quality. More important than all of this was measuring the angular dimensions of large triangles and testing whether there was evidence in the light world for his Euclidean geometry. He did the large triangular size that had been done until then.

 Carl Friedrich Gauss: The Prince of Mathematics

The broken peak at 1142 m, 20 km. The farthest peak is Inselburg (915 m), 12 km southwest of Gottingen. Peak Hoharhagen (508 m) in the distance measured at all three angles of the triangle. The sides of this triangle are 70, 110 km. However, the sum of the three angles was 180 '0' 15 ". His non-Euclidean geometric prediction expected a further difference from the 180 vortexes. ) To respond to him with the findings of the findings, 'I knew all this beforehand,' and the Hungarian father and son misunderstood him.

 Gauss, Carl Friedrich - Astro-Databank

On January 1, 1801, Piaggi discovered the first asteroid and tried to look at it a short distance through a telescope in the western sky and again in the lower sky, but missed the accuracy of the astronomical predictions. Gauss accurately predicted these predictions, pointing to a place 14 lunar phases away from that particular location, where the asteroid (named Sirius) was found. The 24-year-old young scientist became world-famous. Laplace was one of the most important French mathematicians of the time. When asked who Germany's best mathematician was, he said 'Pfaff'. 'You may have forgotten the case. The answer he gave was that Gauss is the best mathematician in the world.


The best mathematician of all time in the world of mathematics. He made significant contributions in all four fields: mathematics, physics, astronomy, and geography. In mathematics, he laid the foundation of numerology, geometry, and differential geometry in many ways. He was a man of immense power in predictions and made achievements in astronomy, geography, and number theory. The great mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss passed away on February 23, 1855, in Gottingen, Germany, at the age of 77.

Source By: Wikipedia

Information: Ramesh, Assistant Professor of Physics, Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti, Trichy.

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