Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Today (March 10, 1876) is the day when the world's first phone call was spoken.

Today (March 10, 1876) is the day when the world's first phone call was spoken.


Can you imagine a world without telephones!! Phones are a monument to their inventor in every home and every office desk. Alexander Graham Bell made the world's first telephone call on March 10, 1876. He called his assistant on the phone and said, "Mr Watson, come here, I want to see you." But no one cared about the phone that Bell invented so he got very tired.


He put his phone in view at an exhibition in Philadelphia. It was only after the King of Brazil took it in stride and used it that the glory of the phone spread everywhere. With the help of his father-in-law in the United States, he received a patent for a telephone on March 7, 1876. The word 'hello' was first answered by Thomas Edison over the phone. Then it became the standard for answering calls. At almost the same time in the United States, three creators tried to make the phone, and Bell was the only one to win the lawsuit. He is also considered to be the first creator of the phone in the world. Bell soon acquired the registration rights to use his new tool for commercial industrial production.


Thus the telephone he first developed and used had many flaws. They were later gradually repaired and the phone improved. Nine years after the invention of the telephone, he invented the voice recorder, and on April 15, 1885, he recorded his voice on a waxed cardboard plate. It has been preserved for 138 years in the oldest sound preservation section of the Sumit Sonian Museum in the United States. In this case, the voice of Graham Bell recorded on the plate has been restored using modern computer technology. In it, he says, 'Listen to my voice - Alexander Graham Bell'.

Information: Dr. P. Ramesh, Assistant Professor of Physics, Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti.

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