Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Today (March 31, 1945) is the anniversary of Nobel Prize-winning German organic chemist Hans Fischer, who studied chlorophyll pigments.

Today (March 31, 1945) is the anniversary of Nobel Prize-winning German organic chemist Hans Fischer, who studied chlorophyll pigments.


Hans Fischer was born on July 27, 1881, in Frankfurt, Germany. His parents were Dr Eugene Fischer, director of Calle & Co. in Wisden, and a lecturer at Stuttgart School of Technology and Anna Hurtgen Schools. He went to elementary school in Stuttgart. He then attended the "Humanist Gymnasium" matriculation school in Vice Baden in 1899. He first studied chemistry and medicine at the University of Lausanne and later at Marburg. He graduated in 1904. In 1908 he received his M.D. Qualified for study. Fischer married Wildrude Hoop in 1935.


He first worked at a clinic in Munich and later at the Berlin Chemical Institute under Emil Fischer. He returned to Munich in 1911 and a year later became a lecturer in the Department of Internal Medicine. In 1913 he became a lecturer in physiology at the Institute of Physiology in Munich. In 1916 he became a professor of medical chemistry at the University of Innsbruck. From there he worked at the University of Vienna in 1918.

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He has been a Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich since 1921. Fischer's scientific work was largely concerned with the study of blood, bile, and chlorophyll pigments in the leaves, and was related to the chemistry of petrol, which produces these pigments. The formation of native bilirubin and heme is important. He received the Nobel Prize in 1930. In 1976, the lunar crater was renamed Fisher Moon Pits in his memory.

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He has received honours from the Academy of Sciences of Leopoldina, the Private Councilor, the Lipic Memorial Medal, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the honorary doctorate from Harvard University and the Royal Society of London Davy Medal. In the last days of World War II, he committed suicide on March 31, 1945, in Munich, Germany, at the age of 63, out of frustration at the destruction of his company and his work.

Source By: Wikipedia

Information: Ramesh, Assistant Professor of Physics, Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti.

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இஸ்ரோ சான்றிதழ் பெற்ற 161 நேரு நினைவுக் கல்லுரி மாணவர்கள். புத்தனாம்பட்டி, நேரு நினைவுக் கல்லுரியில்  பயிலும்  161  மாணவர்கள்,  இஸ்ரோ ஆல் நட...