Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Today (December 16, 1969) is the birthday of Nobel Laureate Adam Riess, who discovered the expanding cosmic acceleration using meteorite explosions into cosmological research.

Today (December 16, 1969) is the birthday of Nobel Laureate Adam Riess, who discovered the expanding cosmic acceleration using meteorite explosions into cosmological research.


Adam Guy Riess was born on December 16, 1969, in Washington, DC. He grew up in Warren, New Jersey. His father, Michael Riess, a ship engineer, owned a frozen food group here called Bistro Multinational. His mother, Doris Riess, was a medical psychologist. Riess Watson attended Ilisu Regional High School and graduated in 1988. In 1987 he studied science at the famous Jersey Governor's School. He later studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated in 1992. There he was a member of the Pi Delta Theta group. He received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1992. It embodies the measurements of 20 new types of meteorites. It also includes a new method of using LA type asteroids as precision distance pointers, which is a correction for interstitial, normal anomalies.


His doctoral dissertation was conducted under the supervision of Robert Kirsner. It unnaturally contributed to astronomy. Won the Triumph Award. Before moving to the Institute of Space Telescope Science in 1999, Berkeley received a Miller Fellowship from the University of California, Berkeley. He received his current position at the University of Afkins in 2005. He is also on the selection committee for the Ilsa Prize Astronomy Award. Riess co-founded the High-Z galaxy in 1998 with Brian Sukimid. The team was the first to observe 1A type meteorite eruptions and tell us that the expanding universe is now accelerating. The group's objectives contradict the current theoretical position that cosmic expansion is repressive.


Instead, the team measured the emission of light from meteorites from Earth and discovered that meteorites erupted billions of years ago. This result was also discovered by Perlmutter together through a meteorite cosmological project. The consensus of these two studies led to a general consensus on accelerating cosmology. This accelerated new studies on the nature of sari. Established the existence of black energy. The discovery of this accelerating cosmological theory was announced in 1998 by the journal Science as the greatest achievement of science. He was also awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work with Riess and Sukimit Perlmutter.


To see unprecedented meteorite eruptions, Apple spearheaded a high-profile ZSN search by telescope. His team studied the expansion of the sari 10 billion years ago. It discovered the initial repressive extension. Thus distant meteorite eruptions were known to exist with a slight glare. This puts an end to the thought that the significant meteor eruptions are now believed to be fading. This conclusion was further confirmed by the study of black energy-black matter fossils by the study of meteorite eruptions. Robert J. of the Riess Pacific Astronomical Society. Received the Dumbledore Award in 1999. He also received the Award University Prize in 2001. He graduated from the American Astronomical Society in 2003 with Ellen B. Warner Prize. Received the Beverly Chockler Prize in 2004 for his cosmic acceleration study.

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Riess won the $ 1 million Ilsa Prize for Astronomy in 2006 by Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Received for cosmic acceleration study in conjunction with Sukimidu. Sukimidu and members of the Upper Z Group received the $ 500,000 Gruber cosmological prize in the 2007 Measles Project for their discovery of the expanding universe accelerating. He received the MacArthur Scholarship in 1998. He was selected for the National Academy of Sciences in 2009. He co-founded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics with Perlmutter and Sukimidu for their discovery of the acceleration of the expanding universe. Riess and Priyan Sukimidu and the High-Z team received the 2015 Physics Prize for their contribution to basic physics.

Source By: Wikipedia

Information: Ramesh, Assistant Professor of Physics, Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti, Trichy.

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